ABB IRB 1400 eight axis Arcitec welding cell with IRBP 250R postioner

ABB eight axis Mig/Mag arc welding cell consisting of:

- 1 x IRB1400M98A six axis industrial robot with S4C controller, 1,5 m arm reach and 6 kg payload.

- 1 x IRBP 250R welding positioner H shape (automatic load and unloading station), 250 kg, 2 m between head and tail and 0.75 m width clearance for the parts to be sold

- 1 x ABB Arcitec integrated Mig/Mag welding power source for carbon steel, 500 Amperes arc welding power source with wire feeder and welding torch with anticollision

- Torch cleaning station

- Safety light barriers

Robot main features

  • Number of axis: 6
  • Maximum Load of Robot: 5 Kg
  • Maximum Reach: 1440 mm
  • Repeatability: 0.05 mm.
  • Controller: S4C M98A

Robot Motion Speed

  • Axis 1: 120º/s
  • Axis 2: 120º/s
  • Axis 3: 120º/s
  • Axis 4: 280º/s
  • Axis 5: 280º/s
  • Axis 6: 280º/s

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Industrial Machinery Export Bilbao, S.L.
Polígono Ugaldeguren III, nó 32, Pabellón 1
48170-Zamudio (Vizcaya) Spain
Tel. 0039 3387620171
0039 3395310971

Last updated: 8 Mar, 2025