Years 2000-2001. Equipped with the Rj3 controller, european CE standard.
The P-145 robot is a six axis articulated robot with rotary joints and FANUC AC servomotors. The robot uses both gear trains and RV type reducers.Axis 1 has a two stage gear train. Axis 2 and 3 have RV reducers. Axis 4, 5, and 6 use drive tubes and bevel gears with a 100 degree offset wrist. The P-145 robot is capable of paint speeds up to 2000 mm/sec.
This speed can be obtained anywhere within the robot’s envelope. The payload capacity is 7.5 kg at a 300 mm offset.
With the specified payload, the static repeatability is ±0.2 mm.
RJ3 controller features
The advanced technology of the Fanuc R-J3 controller makes it a proven, reliable third generation controller. The open architecture features and process capability improve application and motion performance while simplifying system integration. Fanuc's unique plug-in option allows flexibility for applying specific configurations.