The new KUKA palletizing robot is capable of stacking europallets up to 3 m net height. The state-of-the-art materials (carbon fiber composite CRP) make the robot extremely light, without sacrificing high stiffness.
Equipped with the modern KR C2 controller. The KR C2 robot controller makes programming easier with its Microsoft Windows interface. It is expandable, can be integrated into networks via a bus, and contains ready-made software packages.
KR C2 features:
* Open, network-capable PC technology
* 2 free slots for external axes
* DeviceNet and Ethernet slots for common bus systems (e.g. INTERBUS, PROFIBUS, DeviceNet) provided as standard
* Motion profile function for optimal interaction between the individual robot motors and their velocity
* Floppy disk and CD-ROM drives for data backup
* Facilities such as remote diagnosis via the Internet
* Simple operating and programming via KUKA Control Panel (KCP) with Windows user interface
* Compact control cabinet
* Ergonomic KUKA Control Panel (KCP)
Robot Info:
Robot Motion Speed:
Robot Applications: