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KR CYBERTECH ARC nano is a series of compact and lightweight robots that provide a high performance with a level of minimum interference contours, allow access to difficult areas; has a 50mm hollow wrist that allows reduced movement of the main shaft with very short cycle times; this robot is characterized by its high precision and accuracy at high speeds for greater profitability with minimum costs. is in three different variants with mounting positions in angle, wall, floor, ceiling.

Newest Kuka controller

More powerful, safer, more flexible, and above all more intelligent. The revolutionary concept of the KR C4 provides a firm foundation for the automation of tomorrow. It reduces costs in automation for integration, maintenance and servicing. The long-term efficiency and flexibility of the systems are increased at the same time. For this reason, KUKA has developed a new ground-breaking, clearly-structured system architecture that concentrates on open and powerful data standards. In this architecture, all integrated controllers – from SafetyControl, RobotControl, and MotionControl to LogicControl and ProcessControl – have a joint database and infrastructure which they use and share intelligently.

KR C4 features

Main specifications

VARIANTS: KR 8 R1620 arc HW KR 8 R1420 arc HW KR 6 R1820 arc HW
Maximum Load of Robot: 8 kg 8 kg  6 kg
Number of axis: 6 6 6
Maximum horizontal reach: 1621 mm 1421 mm 1823,5 mm
Repeatability: ±0,04 mm ±0,04 mm ±0,04 mm
Controller: KR C4 compact / KR C4 smallsize-2 KR C4 compact / KR C4 smallsize-2 KR C4 compact / KR C4 smallsize-2
Mounting position: Angle / Ceiling / Floor / Wall Angle / Ceiling / Floor / Wall

Angle / Ceiling / Floor / Wall


Motion range (°)

VARIANTS KR 8 R1620 arc HW KR 8 R1420 arc HW KR 6 R1820 arc HW
Axis 1: ±170° ±170° ±170°
Axis 2:  -185°/65° -185°/65° -185°/65°
Axis 3:  -120°/180° -120°/180° -120°/180°
Axis 4:  ± 165° ± 165° ± 165°
Axis 5:  -115°/140° -115°/140° -115°/140°
Axis 6:  ±350 ±350 ±350
Maximum speed (°/s)
VARIANTS KR 8 R1620 arc HW KR 8 R1420 arc HW KR 6 R1820 arc HW
Axis 1: 220°/s 220°/s 220°/s
Axis 2: 178°/s 210°/s 178°/s
Axis 3: 270°/s 270°/s 270°/s
Axis 4: 430°/s 430°/s 430°/s
Axis 5: 430°/s 430°/s 430°/s
Axis 6: 630°/s 630°/s 630°/s


Robot applications

Arc welding
Application of adhesives and sealants








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