ABB IRB 6600 M2004 tandem 2 x robots controlled by one IRC5 cabinet
生产年份2007年。两个6轴高载荷机器人被同一控制柜控制,完全同步允许有复杂的实时操作如部件的处理。这是著名IRB6400的改进版。更高速并有全新的形状,使第2、3轴有更宽的工作空间。继Kuka和Fanuc的原理(Kuka 系列2000 and Fanuc R2000),具有单弹簧平衡系统。IRB 6600配备了一个内置的服务信息系统,方便了常规保养和维护。
配备着最新的IRC5 控制器
IRC5支持先进的I/O现场总线,在任何工厂网络中都是一个性能良好的节点。具有一系列强大的联网功能,如传感 器接口、远程磁盘访问、套接口通讯等等。gramming language
The perfect combination of simplicity, flexibility and powerful- ness. RAPID is a truly unlimited language with hosts of advanced features and powerful support for many process applications.
The IRC5 supports the state-of-the-art field busses for I/O and is a well-behaved node in any plant network. Sensor interfaces, remote disk access and socket messaging are examples of the many powerful networking features.
Robot Info
- Maximum Load of Robot: 175 Kg
- Maximum Reach: 2550 mm
- Repeatability: 0.1 mm
- Controller: IRC5 M2004 - 1 x controller for 2 x robot arms
Robot Motion Speed
- Axis 1: 100º/s
- Axis 2: 90º/s
- Axis 3: 90º/s
- Axis 4: 150º/s
- Axis 5: 120º/s
- Axis 6: 190º/s
Robot Applications
- Spot welding
- Press tending
- Material handling
- Machine tending
- Palletizing
- Assembly
Polígono Ugaldeguren III, nó 32, Pabellón 1
48170-Zamudio (Vizcaya) Spain
Tel. 0039 3387620171
0039 3395310971

最近更新: 9 Mar, 2025