


  • 库卡、ABB、川崎或发那科等品牌的六轴工业机器人,工作包络范围达到1.5米到3米。通过设置一个线性装置 --‘伺服控制的第七轴’,有些机器人的到达范围可以达到进一步的延伸。实际案例:配置KL1500线性装置得以了延展库卡机器人。此套系统适用于焊接大长度的部件。



  • 电弧焊与水冷式能源的协和使得Fronius、Selco、Esab、Miller等品牌的焊机拥有高达500安培的强劲电流。
  • 送丝装置
  • 通过设置具有避撞系统与整套软管的焊炬,即可驱动弧焊工序中的冷却、添加保护气以及装配电缆等作业。


Arc welding robots increase production and reduce costs.

  产品型号 轴数 最大运动距离
Welding Machines for Robots 焊接单元配备:KUKA KR5 ARC KRC4 + H 定位器 + SKS 400A 9 有现货
Motoman Yaskawa定位器:MT1-3000 S2D 8 有现货
带有Motoman Ea1900,Nx100控制器,定位器和SKS焊接机的焊接单元 7 1893 3 0,9 有现货
Welding Machines for Robots 焊接单元 9 轴:MOTOMAN EA1900 NX100 控制器、H 定位器和 SKS 焊接机 9 1900 3 有现货
配备EA1900,NX100控制器,3轴定位器和SKS焊接机的MOTOMAN焊接电池 9 1900 3 有现货
KUKA 库卡KR5 ARC KRC4 6 1530 5 ± 0.05 有现货
KUKA KR6 arc 6 1611 6 0.1 有现货
ABB IRB1600 与奥泰 500 安培焊机 6 1450 10 0.06 有现货
DOBOT CR10 COBOT MIG MAG 焊接解决方案 奥泰 6 1500mm 10 ± 0,02 有现货
Kuka KR15采用SKS弧焊和转台 6 1570 15 0,09 有现货
Kuka KR15 nine axis arc welding robot with H shape positioner 9 1570 15 +-0,1 有现货
焊接单元配备 Motoman HP50-20、fronius 和 2 个定位器以及 11.50 mt 轨道 9 3103 20 0.08 有现货
KUKA KR22 配备 Fronius TPSi320 焊机和 2 轴工作台 8 1610 22 0.06 有现货
Kuka KR30 / 2九轴弧焊机器人,带H kuka形状定位器 9 2033 30 0,09 有现货
KUKA KR30/2 带有用于焊接单元的 H kuka 定位器 9 2033 30-500 有现货
KUKA KR150 KRC2配有SKS电源和大转盘 6 2700 150 0,09 有现货
KUKA KR30-3 配备 3 轴焊接工作台、500 安培奥泰焊机 9 2000 750 0.06 有现货
KUKA KR30-3 配备 3 轴焊接工作台、500 安培麦格米特焊机 9 2000 750 有现货
KUKA KR 16 Arc HW(空心手腕) 6 1636 16 ± 0.05 有现货
KUKA KR150 KRC2與Cloos Quinto 353協同電源 7,8 2700 有现货
Kuka KR125 Arc Welding Robot with Fronius TPS4000 Synergic Power Welding Source 400 Amperes 有现货
KUKA 庫卡KR150 S2000與焊接系統福尼斯TPS4000 6 2700 有现货
KUKA KR15弧焊機器人與Fronius TPS4000 MIG_MAG焊接 有现货


  产品型号 轴数 最大运动距离
Other Robots Reis arc welding robot on 7t axis track with double servocontrolled positioner Sold out
Kawasaki FA06E on a 14 m linear track with 2 positioners and Fronius TPS5000 Sold out
Other Robots Comau arc welding cell with 2 double axis positioners Sold out
Other Robots Comau arc welding cell with one double axis positioner Sold out
Motoman double UP6 mig mag robotic system with RM2-1000-S3X 9 axis positioner Sold out
Motoman UP20 arc welding robot with Fronius TPS4000 and SB-1000-S positioner Sold out
Motoman SK6 arc welding robot with Fronius TPS330 Sold out
ABB IRB 4600 Fronius TPS5000 on track and 2 axis RH 4000 positioner Sold out
ABB 1400M2000焊接机器人有两个IRB250L定位 Sold out
ABB IRB 1400 M98A - Arcitec焊接单元 - 八个轴与IRBP 250R定位 Sold out
ABB IRB1400 twin robot cell Flexarc M97A S4C with MTB 750 IRBP 750K positioner Sold out
Fanuc Arcmate 100i弧焊机器人系统 - 8轴 Sold out
Fanuc M-710ic-20L帶定位器的弧焊電池和Kemppi Promig協同 7 3110 Sold out
KUKA 米格马格酷卡KR150-2与Fronius公司CMT 4000 Sold out
ABB IRB1600 Flexarc M2004 IRC5轨道上加上两个IRBP 2000L定位 9 1450 Sold out
Motoman twin EA1800N with Fronius TPS4000 and H shape positioner Sold out
KUKA 库卡KR 16 8轴带双站定位焊接机器人 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 100iC/8L 6 2028 3(8) ± 0,08 Sold out
Motoman VA1400 welding robot 7 1,434 3 ± 0.08 Sold out
Welding Machines for Robots 配备EA1900,NX100控制器,3轴定位器和SKS焊接机的MOTOMAN焊接电池 9 1900 3 Sold out
Motoman EA1900N 6 1904 3 0.08 Sold out
MOTOMAN Twin EA1900N 九轴机器人系统与 SKS 焊接设备 6 1900 3 ±0.08 Sold out
完整的 Double Motoman EA1900 单元,配有 3 轴工作台和 SKS 焊接机 15 1910 3 0.06 Sold out
Welding Machines for Robots MOTOMAN TWIN EA1900N 配备 FRONIUS TPS4000 和 ROTISSERIE 定位器 9 1900 3 Sold out
ABB IRBP 1400 M2004与IRBP 250R定位 8 1440 5 Sold out
ABB IRB 1400 M2000与IRBP 250R定位器 6 1440 5 Sold out
ABB IRB1400 M2000弧焊机器人,配有IRBP 750K定位器和SKS或Kemppi 9 1500 5 Sold out
Other Robots Comau Smart5 Arc 4采用Fronius TPS4000协同焊接和H定位器 6 1951 5 0.05 Sold out
Other Robots Comau Smart5 Arc 4与Fronius TPS4000 6 1951  5 0.05 Sold out
Kawasaki BA006N 6 1445 6 ±0.06 Sold out
Kawasaki BA006L 6 2036 6 ±0.08 Sold out
Fanuc Arcmate 100iB弧焊机器人系统 - 旋转H形定位器8轴 8 1373 6 0.08 Sold out
Fanuc Arcmate 100iB弧焊机器人系统 - 8轴 8 1373 6 0.08 Sold out
具有单轴定位器和Fronius TPS 3200的Motoman HP6电弧焊电池 7 1390 6 0.08 Sold out
KUKA 庫卡KR6-2 TIG等離子焊接機器人 6 1611 6 0,05 Sold out
Fanuc ArcMate 100iC / 6L R30iA 6 1632 6 0.08 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 50iD 6 717 7 ± 0.02 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 50iD/7L 6 911 7 ± 0.03 Sold out
KUKA KR CYBERTECH ARC nano 6 1621 /1421/1823,5 8/6 ± 0.04 Sold out
Fanuc Arc Mate 100iC / 8L 6 2028 8 ± 0.08 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 100iD/8L 6 2032 8 ± 0.03 Sold out
Fanuc Arcmate 100iB机器人焊接系统 - 9轴 9 1420 10 0.08 Sold out
ABB 2400L M2000带4轴定位器IRBP250B和直线轨道 - 11轴 11 1800 10 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 100iD/10L 6 1636 10 ± 0.03 Sold out
焊接机器人Fanuc Arcmate 100iC带双2轴定位器 6 1420 12 0,5 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 100iC/12 6 1420 12 ± 0,08 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 100iD 6 1441 12 ± 0.02 Sold out
Fanuc ARC Mate 100iC / 12 6 1420 12 ± 0.08 Sold out
Motoman EA1800N采用Fronius TPS4000 Synergic焊接 6 1.806 15 0.08 Sold out
KUKA 库卡KR 16 10轴焊接上了轨道,H形机器人定位 6 1610 16 0.1 Sold out
Other Robots COMAU SMART 5 NM ARC with Fronius TPS4000 6 3100 16 ± 0.05 Sold out
焊接单元配备位于轨道上的 Motoman MH50-20 和 2 个定位器 9 3103 20 0.08 Sold out
Motoman 焊接单元,配有龙门架上的 MH50-20 和 2 个转台 10 3103 20 0.15 Sold out
KUKA KR30機器人9軸H定位器Fronius TPS4000 2050 30 0.15 Sold out
ABB IRB1400M2000電弧焊機器人,帶IRB250伺服控制定位器和Fronius TPS4000電源 Sold out
Fanuc MIG/MAG arc welding system Arcmate 120iL on linear track and two rotary positioners Sold out
ABB IRB1400 Flexarc M97A S4C和IRBP 750K定位器 Sold out
Motoman Twin robotic arc welding cell Arcsystem 6000 - 2 robots Sold out
KUKA 库卡KR 16 10轴焊接机器人具有多站定位 Sold out
ABB IRB2400L Flexarc M2004 IRC5帶2個IRBP 250L定位器 8 1800 7 Sold out
KUKA KR30L krc2带Fronius TPS4000和H工作台(装卸) 9 2400 30 0,2 Sold out
Other Robots Cloos Romat 310 control ROTROL II - 9 Axis with turning table. Sold out
Fanuc arcmate 100i two positioners Kemppi arc welding cell with linear track Sold out
Motoman HP20-6 arc welding cell with RM2-250 STX positioner Sold out
Motoman Twin robotic welding cell Arcsystem 6000 - 2 robots Sold out
Motoman UP20-6 Mig-mag arc welding cell with double positioner Sold out
Motoman HP20-6 arc welding cell double HSB-1000 positioner Fronius CMT 4000 Sold out
二手機器人Fanuc - Fanuc Arcmate 100i電弧焊接機器人與Panastar RF350焊接電源 Sold out
KUKA KR15 / 2弧焊機器人,帶Fronius TPS4000和雙工位 Sold out
Other Robots Panasonic VR006 arc welding robots with Panastar 350 A Sold out
ABB IRB 1400 M94A 6 1440 5 Sold out
Other Robots OTC-Daihen ALMEGA AX-V6 arc welding robots Sold out
ABB IRB1400 M94帶伺服控制定位器 Sold out
KUKA KR30 with 2 axis servocontrolled positioner and Fronius TPS5000 welding equipment 0.15 Sold out
ABB IRB 1400 M94A電弧焊接電池,配有MHA 160R定位器 Sold out
ABB IRB1600 Flexarc M2004 IRC5和IRBP 750K定位器 Sold out
ABB IRB1400 Flexarc M97A S4C with IRBP 250K positioner Sold out

Industrial Machinery Export Bilbao, S.L.
Polígono Ugaldeguren III, nó 32, Pabellón 1
48170-Zamudio (Vizcaya) Spain
Tel. 0039 3387620171
0039 3395310971

最近更新: 20 Feb, 2025