
Confira nossa linha de robôs FANUC novos, usados, usados e recondicionados que temos em estoque.

O nosso processo de renovação para robôs FANUC usados é um procedimento meticuloso e abrangente que garante que os robôs são restaurados para o seu desempenho e fiabilidade ideais. Este processo envolve várias etapas principais:

  1. Inspeção e Avaliação: Cada robô usado é inspecionado minuciosamente para avaliar sua condição, identificando qualquer desgaste, dano ou possíveis problemas. Esta avaliação inicial constitui a base para o plano de renovação.
  2. Limpeza e Reparação: Todos os componentes são limpos e as peças danificadas são reparadas ou substituídas por componentes genuínos. Isso inclui não apenas peças visíveis, mas também componentes internos, como motores, sensores e cabos.
  3. Redefinição de fábrica e personalização do software: O software do robô é redefinido para garantir a compatibilidade com as opções de tecnologia e é configurado de acordo com suas necessidades.
  4. Calibração e Teste: O robô passa por calibração meticulosa para garantir movimentos e posicionamento precisos. Em seguida, é submetido a testes rigorosos para avaliar seu desempenho em várias tarefas e cenários.
  5. Controle de qualidade: Uma avaliação final de controle de qualidade é realizada para garantir que o robô recondicionado atenda aos nossos rígidos padrões de desempenho, segurança e confiabilidade.
  6. Atualizações opcionais: dependendo do modelo e dos requisitos do cliente, podemos oferecer atualizações opcionais, como sensores, controladores ou recursos de software aprimorados para aprimorar os recursos do robô.
  7. Embalagem e envio: Depois que o robô passa com sucesso por todos os estágios do processo de reforma, ele é cuidadosamente embalado para evitar danos durante o transporte e enviado para o local do cliente.

A Fanuc é uma empresa que desenvolve a última geração de sistemas robóticos, proporcionando melhorias significativas na qualidade, produção e retorno do investimento na indústria de manufatura. A Fanuc produz controladores muito intuitivos e fáceis e o famoso controle numérico NC: com os robôs antropomórficos, a Fanuc está em uma posição dominante no mercado para obter excelentes resultados.

Fanuc Robots Controller R-30iB


LR Mate 200iD R30iB Plus

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7

M-20iA / 12L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2009
Max. Load: 12


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20

Fanuc M-420iA / 40 Muito rápido!

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 1855
Max. Load: 40

M-410iC / 315

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 315

Fanuc Robots Controller R-30iA


M-710iC / 20L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3110
Max. Load: 20

M-710iC / 50

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50

Fanuc R-1000iA / 80F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 80


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3005
Max. Load: 125


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 165

R-2000iB / 185L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3060
Max. Load: 185


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210

M-900ia / 260L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3100
Max. Load: 260


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 350

M-900iA / 600

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2832
Max. Load: 600

Fanuc Robots Controller RJ3iB


P-155 paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 7

M-420iA 40 Rj3iB

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 1855
Max. Load: 40


Fanuc Robots Controller R30iB Plus

Out of stock

M-10iA/10M (pulso oco)

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1422
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

Fanuc M-10iA/10M (pulso padrão)

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1422
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

M-10iA / 12

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12

Fanuc Robots Controller R-30iB

Out of stock

M-1iA / 0,5SL

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 420
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0,5S

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0,5AL

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 240
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0,5A

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 1HL

Eixos: 3
Max. Reach: 240
Max. Load: 1
Out of stock

M-1iA / 1H

Eixos: 3
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 1
Out of stock

M-2iA / 3SL

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 1130
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

M-2iA / 3S

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 800
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1130
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

M-2iA / 3A

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 800
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC/8L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2028
Max. Load: 3(8)
Out of stock

ARC Mate 0iB

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1437
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

CR-4iA Collaborative

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/4SC

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/4SH

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/4S

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

Paint Mate 200iA / 5L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 892
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

Paint Mate 200iA

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iB

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

M-3iA / 6S

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

M-3iA / 6A

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

M-2 iA 6H

Eixos: 3
Max. Reach: 800
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

M-2 iA 6HL

Eixos: 3
Max. Reach: 1130
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

ARC Mate 50iD

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

ARC Mate 50iD/7L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7WP

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

Collaborative robot CR-7iA / L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100 iC/7L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1633
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7WP

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7H

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7LC

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200 iD/7L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7C

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

Fanuc LR Mate 200iD/7L R30iB Plus

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

M-10iA / 7L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1633
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

M-10iA / 8L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2028
Max. Load: 8
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iD / 8L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2032
Max. Load: 8
Out of stock

P-50iB/10L Paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1800
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

Fanuc ARC Mate 100iD / 10L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1636
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

CRX 10iA/L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1418
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

M-10iA / 10S

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1101
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC/12

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC/12S

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1098
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

ARC Mate 120iC/12L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2009
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iD

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1441
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-3 iA / 12H

Eixos: 3
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-710iC / 12L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3123
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-10iA / 12S

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1098
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-10iD / 12

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

Fanuc LR Mate 200iD / 14L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 14
Out of stock

P-50iB/15 Paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1400
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock

P-250iB/15 Paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2800
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock

ARC Mate 120iC

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-710iC / 20M

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2582
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-710iC / 20L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3110
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iA / 20T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1662
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iA / 20MT

Eixos: 6
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iB / 25C Sala limpa

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1853
Max. Load: 25
Out of stock

M-20iB / 25

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1853
Max. Load: 25
Out of stock

Robô colaborativo CR-35iA

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1813
Max. Load: 35
Out of stock

M-20iA / 35MT

Eixos: 6
Max. Load: 35
Out of stock

M-20iA / 35M

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1813
Max. Load: 35
Out of stock

P-350iA / 45 Paint robot

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2.606
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

M-710iC / 45M

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2606
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50S

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1359
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50H

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 2003
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50E

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 70T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

M-710iC / 70

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

R-1000 iA / 80H

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 80
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 80F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 80
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 100P

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3540
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 100P

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3500
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 100H

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 100F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 120F-7B

Eixos: 7
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 120
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 125L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3100
Max. Load: 125
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 130F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 130
Out of stock

M-410iB / 140H

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 2850
Max. Load: 140
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 150U

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

M-900iA / 150P

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3507
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

M-410iB / 160

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 160
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165R

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

Controlador FANUC R2000iB 165F R30iB

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 170CF

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1520
Max. Load: 170
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 175L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2852
Max. Load: 175
Out of stock

M-900iA / 200P

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3507
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000 iB / 200T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2208
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3100
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210R

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 210WE

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 210F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2605
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 220US

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2443
Max. Load: 220
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 220U

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2470
Max. Load: 220
Out of stock

R2000iC / 220U

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2518
Max. Load: 220
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 250F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 250
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 270F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 270
Out of stock

M-900iB / 280L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3103
Max. Load: 280
Out of stock

M-900iB / 280

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 280
Out of stock

M-900iB / 360

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 360
Out of stock

M-900iB / 400L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3704
Max. Load: 400
Out of stock

M-410iB / 450

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3130
Max. Load: 450
Out of stock

M-410iC / 500

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 500
Out of stock

M-900iB / 700

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2832
Max. Load: 700
Out of stock

M-410iB / 700

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 700
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 900L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 4683
Max. Load: 900
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 1200

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3734
Max. Load: 1200 (1350) kg
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 1700L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 4683
Max. Load: 1700
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 2300

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3734
Max. Load: 2300
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210WE

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2450
Max. Load: 210

Fanuc Robots Controller R-30iA

Out of stock

M-1iA / 0,5A

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0,5S

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC/5L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 892
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

Paint Mate 200iA / 5L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 892
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC / 5C

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC / 5H

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

Paint Mate 200iA

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

ArcMate 100iC / 6L R30iA

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1632
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 0,950
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

Delta M-3IA/6A

Eixos: 3
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

ARC Mate 50iD / 7L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

Arc Mate 100iC / 8L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2028
Max. Load: 8
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC / 12

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

Robô de soldagem Fanuc Arcmate 100iC com duplo posicionador de 2 eixos

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

Robô de pintura P-250iB / 15

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2800
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock

Arc mate 120ic

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iA / 20T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1662
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1611
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-16iB / 20

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

Fanuc M-16iB / 20

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50E

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50S

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1359
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710i C/70T series on track

Eixos: 7
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

M-710iC / 70

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 100H

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

M-410iB / 140

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 2850
Max. Load: 140
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 150U

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

M-410iB / 160

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3140
Max. Load: 160
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165R

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 170CF

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1520
Max. Load: 170
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2852
Max. Load: 175
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 185L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3060
Max. Load: 185
Out of stock

M-900iA / 200P

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3507
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 200T

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2208
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

FANUC R-2000iB / 200R

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

Fanuc R-2000ib-210f com servogun

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 250F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 250
Out of stock


Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3140
Max. Load: 300
Out of stock

M-900iB / 400L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3704
Max. Load: 400
Out of stock

M-410iB / 450

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3130
Max. Load: 450
Out of stock

M-410iB / 700

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 700
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC/5F

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 5
Max. Load: 711
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 900L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 4683
Max. Load: 900
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 1200

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3734
Max. Load: 1200 (1350)
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 5

Fanuc Robots Controller RJ3iB

Out of stock

Fanuc Arcmate 100iB sistema robótico de soldagem por arco - 8 eixos

Eixos: 8
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

Arcmate 100iB

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

Arcmate 120iB/10L

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1885
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 16
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1706
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock


Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 160
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2450
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iA 200EW

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iA 210F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

Fanuc R-2000iA-210f com arma spotwelding servocontrolled em uma pista linear

Eixos: 6+2
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 350
Out of stock

Robo usado FANUC M-410iB-450 para paletização

Eixos: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 450
Out of stock

LRmate 200iB

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

Arcmate 120iB

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

R-2000iA 165F

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

LRMate 100iB

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 620
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

P-145 Paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2731
Max. Load: 7,5
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1040
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

P-200E paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2800
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3005
Max. Load: 125

Fanuc Robots Controller RJ3

Out of stock

P-145 paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2731
Max. Load: 7.5
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1893
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

LR Mate 200i LRMate

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

M-710i RJ3

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1706
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

P-120 Paint

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2409
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3093
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 3002
Max. Load: 125
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2643
Max. Load: 130

Fanuc Robots Controller RJ3ic

Out of stock

Sistema de soldagem robô Fanuc Arcmate 100iB - 9 eixos

Eixos: 9
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1885
Max. Load: 10

Fanuc Robots Controller RJ2

Out of stock


Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1706
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

LRMate 200i

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

LRMate 100i

Eixos: 5
Max. Reach: 620
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

S-420iF S420iF

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2450/2850
Max. Load: 120
Out of stock

Arcmate 100i

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1368
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

S-420iW S420iW

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2450
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

Arcmate 120i Rj2

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1542
Max. Load: 16
Out of stock

S-900H S900H

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 2488
Max. Load: 200

Fanuc Robots Controller RJ

Out of stock

Arcmate 100

Eixos: 6
Max. Reach: 1346
Max. Load: 6

Industrial Machinery Export Bilbao, S.L.
Polígono Ugaldeguren III, nó 32, Pabellón 1
48170-Zamudio (Vizcaya) Spain
Tel. 0039 3387620171
0039 3395310971

Last updated: 20 Feb, 2025